What is an ADR?
An Architectural Decision (AD) is a justified software design choice that addresses a functional or non-functional requirement that is architecturally significant. An Architecturally Significant Requirement (ASR) is a requirement that has a measurable effect on a software system's architecture and quality. An Architectural Decision Record (ADR) captures a single AD and its rationale; the collection of ADRs created and maintained in a project constitute its decision log. All these are within the topic of Architectural Knowledge Management (AKM), but ADR usage can be extended to design and other decisions ("any decision record").
- 2024-09-05: Don’t include buttons in clickable cards
- 2024-09-19: Use
tags appropriately - 2025-02-06: Avoid auto-playing videos & slideshows
- 2025-02-06: Don't use color alone to convey information
- 2024-05-01: Use the Environment Indicator module with standard color configuration on all of our modern Drupal projects
- 2024-05-22: Store Composer patches locally rather than referencing them directly from drupal.org
- 2024-07-10: Store Composer Patches configuration in composer.patches.json
- 2024-08-07: In views displays use entity display modes instead of fields
- 2024-12-11: Leverage view modes when rendering entities
- 2024-08-21: Place form fields in the same order that they are rendered in the default view mode
- 2024-11-29: Lock entity language on edit forms
- 2024-06-11: SCSS/CSS nesting max levels
- 2024-06-25: Use vanilla Javascript instead of jQuery
- 2024-07-09: Use local fonts instead of 3rd Party hosted fonts
- 2024-07-09: Use of SASS partials instead of one big sass file
- 2024-09-03: Appropriate use of CSS Units
- 2024-10-15: Minimize
CSS pseudo-class usage
- 2023-11-29: Git branch names should only consist of ticket numbers, lowercase
- 2024-01-05: Use a standard Pull Request Title format
- 2024-02-28: All committed code undergoes code review process
- 2024-03-06: Projects should include software version documentation and config
- 2024-03-13: Git commit messages should follow a standard convention
- 2024-03-20: Code repositories should use “main” as the default branch name
- 2024-07-12: All hard-coded labels and outputs should be wrapped in internationalization tags and refer to the site’s custom text-domain
- 2024-07-19: All custom blocks should have a block preview
- 2024-07-26: Fonts should be loaded through theme.json
- 2024-08-09: Blocks and patterns should not have the project name in the Title
License and Conditions
While Kalamuna publishes these Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) in the spirit of open source under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0, we do not provide any warranty or guarantee of their accuracy or applicability to your specific use case.