Use the Environment Indicator module with standard color configuration on all of our modern Drupal projects
In our default Drupal installation, we have predefined settings for the Environment Indicator module. It is important to have it enabled on all of our client projects. It is also critical to have consistency for the environment indicator values to avoid confusion, unintended mistakes, and misconfiguration. On our support projects we configure environment settings to match our default installation during the new support project intake process.
All client sites will have the Environment Indicator module installed and configured.
Environment colors will be configured as follows:
Environment | Colors | Suggestedfg_color |
Suggestedbg_color |
Live | White on Red | #fff | #ec0914 |
Staging | Black on Yellow | #010101 | #f5c000 |
Development / Multi-dev | White on Blue | #fff | #007fad |
Local | White on Green | #fff | #007a5a |
All Drupal websites our team works on have one or more environments. At a minimum, there will be a production and a local development environment. Most projects will have production, staging, development, and local environments. Developers often access different environments at the same time. Since making content or configuration changes in the wrong environment can have unintended consequences, it is important to distinguish environments easily and have a consistent color scheme across all projects.
- Errors will be reduced as all screenshots by authenticated users will indicate the environment.
- All non-live existing sites should be configured to use the standard scheme.
- Teams deviating from the recommended colours will need to check the accessibility of their custom colours.
- Support intake process will require this setup.
- Standard environment colours may conflict with those existing before this ADR site configuration, so each team will need to decide whether colours should be changed on existing sites.
- We don’t have access and client permissions to install and configure new modules on the website.
Additional Resources