Architecture Decision Records (ADRs)

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All committed code undergoes code review process


All code that is being merged into the main or master branch of the repository and is being deployed to one of the main level environments: dev, test, or production (live) needs to undergo code review process and be submitted through the pull request on GitHub repository.

The review is performed by the architect or technical lead of the project. The review is conducted through the GitHub interface. The reviewer leaves the comments in GitHub on the code with suggestions or requested edits, the developer needs to be tagged on the corresponding Jira issue and the issue needs to be assigned back to the developer.

Once edits are resolved the architect conducts another review and approves the PR, then they merge the PR to the main (master) branch and notify the developer that the issue has been merged.


Create a pull request per Jira issue and ensure no code written by a non-architect / non-tech lead will be merged without code review performed by tech lead or architect.


Code review helps to reduce technical debt and encourages knowledge sharing. Consistent code review should lead to code that has undergone better testing before being submitted and should enhance the capabilities of team members while improving the overall quality and cohesiveness of the codebase.



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